How to start with REST API

Get a Free API Key

  • Start at the My Account portal (located in the upper right menu).
  • Use your Seznam account to log in (use the email address registered with Seznam).

Be cautious, important notifications regarding the API (monthly statements, information about running out of credits, etc.) are sent to this email. Use a real email account that you monitor.

  • Create a new API Project for your application.
  • The first API key is automatically created within the project.
  • You can start using the REST API with this API key right away.

Test, Experiment, Develop

  • In the API function documentation, you’ll find access to map tiles, geocoding, suggestions, and route planning.
  • In the testing laboratories, you can try out individual function calls and see what they return precisely.
  • In the tutorials, you can find practical examples of specific solutions using various tools and functions.

Make Your Project Accessible to Users

Once you’re done and deploying your project to the production environment, you can monitor credit consumption in My Account. Larger projects with higher traffic will also have higher credit consumption. Now is the right time to check out the two tariffs, Basic and Discounted. Both include a portion of free credits.

Consider Paid Consumption

Do the 250,000 free credits in the Basic tariff not suffice? Great job, your project has significant traffic. Now, you need to enable Paid Consumption in your Project. There will be no charged consumption without your consent.

You can also request the Discounted tariff and get 10,000,000 credits for free every month.