Deleting user account

If you request the removal of your Seznam account (Seznam account – Personal data – Account cancellation request and user data deletion), your request may be denied if this account is linked to an API project.

This denial is a protection against unintended cancellation of the API project and suspension of any external application that may be using this API.

What to do if you want to remove such an account

If you are the owner of the API project

  • Transfer ownership to another user (My account – Project – User management)
  • Alternatively, archive the entire project (My account – Project – Project settings)

If your Seznam Wallet is connected to the API Project

  • Connect a different Wallet to the project (My account – Project – Financial settings – Switch to a different wallet)
  • Or turn off paid consumption (My account – Project – Financial settings)
  • Or archive the entire project (My account – Project – Project settings)

After performing these operations, you can request an account deletion again, and it should go through smoothly.